Instructions for Martial Arts Stretches
Instructions for Martial Arts Stretches

17 Dec 2016 11:57

Instructions for Martial Arts Stretches

Here are a wide variety of martial arts stretches used to improve flexibility and to reduce the chance of potential training injuries (i.e. a pulled muscle). They will help you to achieve higher martial arts kicks, difficult grappling & submission positions with less strain, etc. The sports and martial arts stretches listed below target a huge variety of muscles and tendons. You should also experiment with different stretches in order to add variety to your stretching routine (as they can get monotonous) and to find new stretches that can help with problem areas (i.e. hamstrings).

Before any strength and conditioning training, martial artists should stretch and warm-up. All stretches and exercises should be supervised by a trained martial arts instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized. If you have had an injury or are in pain, please see a doctor before starting any stretching or exercise program. For additional information on stretches and flexibility training, please visit the Martial Arts Physical Fitness and Yoga for Martial Arts sections.

Section supported by Stretching & Flexibility books.

List of Stretches - Each section contains a wide range of stretches focused on that muscle group (i.e. hamstrings).

Martial Arts Stretching Tutorial

Martial Arts Stretching & Warm-Up Routines - Watch "typical" martial arts stretching and warm-up routines

Dynamic Stretches

Improved Flexibility

Individual Stretches by Name & Target - Each stretch listed below contains instructions and/or videos

Achilles Tendon Stretches

Ankle Stretches

Back Stretches

Biceps Stretches

Calf Stretches

Chest Stretches

Forearm Stretches

Glute (Butt) Stretches

Groin Stretches

Hamstring Stretches - These stretches are useful for achieving higher axe kicks and for reducing potential hamstring injuries that result from high kicks.

Hip Stretches

Iliotibial (ITB) Stretches

  • Seated Torso Stretch - Targets lower back, IT band, obliques, etc. Also known as Seated Pretzel Stretch, Seated IT Band Stretch, etc.
  • Standing IT Band Stretch - Iliotibial band (ITB) stretch for hips, outer thighs, knees, etc.

Neck Stretches

Oblique (Side) Stretches

Plantar Fasciitis Stretches

Quad (Thigh) Stretches

Shin Stretches

Shoulder Stretches

Side Stretches

Triceps Stretches

Wrist & Forearm Stretches
