List of Martial Arts Self-Defense Techniques with Videos & Instructions
List of Martial Arts Self-Defense Techniques with Videos & Instructions

02 Jan 2017 14:11

List of Martial Arts Self-Defense Techniques with Videos & Instructions

Here are a variety of martial arts self-defense techniques (i.e. defense against headlocks and kicks). These techniques come from many martial arts styles such as Aikido, Krav Maga and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Students should only practice these martial arts self-defense techniques under the careful supervision of a trained martial arts instructor. The information on these pages and videos are meant to reinforce and supplement the instruction given at your martial arts classes. To properly understand these techniques, you need to learn them from a martial arts instructor who can provide you with an in-depth explanation of the technique, help correct your mistakes, answer your questions and detail how the technique should be utilized.

Visit the Grappling and Judo Techniques sections for more advanced ground escapes. You can also explore the Joint Locks section for instructions for wrist locks, arm locks, etc.

Amazon Self-Defense Books

Defense Against Punches

Defense Against Hand & Arm Strikes

Defense Against Kicks

Leg Grab Counters - What to do if someone has captured your leg during a kick.

Defense Against Chokes

Defense Against Grabs

Defense Against Headlocks

Defense Against Bear Hugs

Self-Defense for Kids

Self-Defense Targets - Vital Areas

Defense Against Guns

Defense Against Knives

Defense Against Sticks, Clubs, Baseball Bats, etc.

Defense Against Multiple Opponents

Weapons of Opportunity

Self Defense Techniques by Martial Arts Style

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