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Martial Arts Training:
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11 Jan 2017 14:33
Welcome to is a free martial arts wiki focused on helping martial arts students improve their existing skills, acquire new martial arts techniques and learn about different martial arts styles. This martial arts wiki is an "instructional" wiki versus a "history" focused wiki (such as Wikipedia). Therefore, provides visitors with free written and video instructions for katas, forms & patterns, kicking techniques, punches & strikes, grappling & submissions, self-defense and much more. This wiki also provides information on all of the "major" martial arts styles or systems such as Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Hapkido, Judo, Karate, Krav Maga, Kung Fu, Mixed Martial Arts, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do and Tai Chi. We also cover the sub-styles of major martial arts (i.e. Karate sub-styles such as Shotokan, Kyokushin, Shito-Ryu, Wado-Ryu, Shorin-Ryu, Goju-Ryu, etc.). Moreover, this martial arts wiki provides details about many of the less well-known martial arts styles and systems (i.e. Sherlock Holmes' Bartitsu) because we believe that every martial arts style provides students with useful and/or unique techniques. We hope you will join our wiki community and help beginners learn about your martial arts style and/or different martial arts techniques. Latest Pages Added to
New Community Posts Please visit the wiki community to see the most recent members posts. However, we have listed below some of the top-rated posts added by our members to the wiki's social community. FYI - These are not wiki pages but rather are fantastic member generated martial arts questions & answers. We hope you become a member. Popular Community Posts
Wiki Objectives As you know, wikis are team efforts involving many people freely donating their time and knowledge. Therefore, we hope you will share your martial arts knowledge and help build this free wiki so beginners can gain a greater understanding of different martial arts styles and techniques. If you are new to martial arts, we want to help you to learn about different martial arts styles so you can choose a school that is right for you. If you are an existing martial arts student, we want to help you progress and to get ready for your next belt test. We want to reinforce and supplement your existing martial arts training by giving you information on more advanced techniques (i.e. kicks, self-defense, katas, etc.) and help you "relearn" techniques & katas that you practiced (and forgot) years ago. We also want to help you "cross train" so you can learn about new martial arts techniques and styles in order to help you become a more complete martial artist. Moreover, we want to help you improve your martial arts power and endurance by providing you with detailed sports fitness information on stretching, conditioning, strength training, yoga, balance training, etc. is not trying to duplicate Wikipedia because that wiki does a great job providing lengthy summaries of subjects (such as the history of a specific martial arts style). However, Wikipedia is not adequate for learning martial arts techniques and katas/forms because it lacks detailed instructional videos and written step-by-step instructions… thus the need for a dedicated instructional martial arts wiki. We want this wiki to be a martial arts library which is free for all visitors and open 24 hours a day. Please join this martial arts wiki to make it even better. Everyone is welcome… as long as you are serious about helping others learn about martial arts techniques and styles. Share your knowledge and help beginning martial arts students. Consider adding step-by-step kata instructions, a favorite martial arts YouTube video or even a single sentence that helps to better explain a difficult martial arts technique or sports conditioning exercise. This will help to improve everyone's knowledge of martial arts grappling, kicks, stretches, katas, terminology, etc. Any work done on this martial arts wiki (i.e. even a tiny edit to fix a spelling mistake) will help martial arts students everywhere! Martial Arts Poll |