Rotational Power Exercises
Rotational Power Exercises

15 Jun 2016 12:46

Rotational Power Exercises

Improved rotational power helps to generate stronger kicks, punches and grappling techniques. The twist of a martial artist's body helps to provide extra energy to the power generated by their legs and arms. This synergistic combination is much more effective than just an arm punching straight forward without any body movement. Core exercises such as planks and crunches provide only modest benefit for rotational power. Therefore, we have listed below some of the exercises that martial artists use in order to improve their rotational power.

All stretches and exercises should be supervised by a trained instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized. If you have had an injury or are in pain, please see a doctor before starting any stretching or exercise program. For additional stretches and exercises, please visit the main Martial Arts Physical Fitness and Core Exercises sections.

List of Rotational Exercises - Exercises below include video and/or written instructions
