Kettlebell Workouts For Martial Arts Strength & Conditioning
Kettlebell Workouts For Martial Arts Strength & Conditioning

08 Mar 2016 18:55

Kettlebell Workouts For Martial Arts Strength & Conditioning

Kettlebell (or kettle bell) workouts are used for martial arts strength and conditioning. They are best for upper body workouts, especially for forearm, bicep and shoulder workouts.

Kettlebells are heavy ball-shaped metal weights with a grip. They are often used in a swinging motion in order to build strength. Kettlebells are seen as building functional strength (i.e. mimicking a natural movement) versus just focusing on a single muscle group (i.e. dumbbells for bicep curls).

Medicine balls and Indian exercise clubs are similar to kettlebells in that they also help functional strength. In Hojo Undo exercises (which are used by more traditional Karate schools), there is a some-what similar martial arts training tool called the Nigiri Game (or Gripping Jar). For more conditioning and strength exercises, please visit the main Physical Fitness section.

Section supported by Strength & Conditioning books

Kettlebell Exercise Routines
