List of African Martial Arts Styles
List of African Martial Arts Styles

12 May 2016 13:31

List of African Martial Arts Styles

This section provides details about martial arts styles from Africa. It covers African martial arts such as Dambe, Zulu Stick Fighting and many more. If you think a style should be added to this page, please contact us. However, we will only accept martial arts styles that have many schools (10+) & an active style association/federation and/or a detailed Wikipedia page.

For the styles of other countries (i.e. Japan, China, Korea and Brazil), please visit the main Martial Arts Styles section.

Martial Arts from Africa - Click on each style for more information

  • Dambe - Dambe is an African martial arts focused primarily on boxing but it also uses kicking techniques.
  • Laamb - A Senegalese wrestling style that allows punches.
  • Lutte Traditionnelle - West African wrestling.
  • NGolo
  • Nguni Stick Fighting
  • Nuba Fighting
  • Tahtib - Tahtib is an Egyptian martial arts focused on stick fighting. Students generally train with a 4 foot wooden stick.
  • Zulu Stick Fighting - Zulu stick fighting is a South African weapons-based martial arts.

Related Martial Arts

  • Capoeira - Capoeira is a very fluid and acrobatic martial arts style from Brazil. However, this martial arts originated from African slaves.

Demonstration of a Dambe Sparring Match
