Tahtib - Egyptian Martial Arts Style (Stick Fighting)
Tahtib - Egyptian Martial Arts Style (Stick Fighting)

26 Jun 2014 11:10

Tahtib - Egyptian Martial Arts Style (Stick Fighting)

Tahtib is an ancient Egyptian martial arts focused on stick fighting. It is thought to have been created around 2000-3000 BC. Drawings of this martial arts have been found on Egyptian tombs and pyramids.

Today, Tahtib students generally train with a 4 foot wooden stick. According to Tahtib.com, the martial arts weapon "used in the art of Tahtib is 1.3 m. long and almost 3 cm. in diameter. The stick is made of rattan wood which is a kind of fibrous and supple wood."

This martial arts is also associated with tourist demonstrations in Egypt where it is more of a cultural stick-based dance. Unfortunately, this has lessened the public image of Tahtib as a serious martial arts.

Tahtib is similar to other stick-based martial arts such as Eskrima, Bataireacht, Canne de Combat, etc. However, Tahtib puts a greater emphasis on attacking/defending the head,

Video Demonstration of Tahtib at a Martial Arts Festival


  1. Tahtib.com, History & Origins, http://www.tahtib.com/history_origin, Added - 06/18/14
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