Learn Shotokan Kihon Kumite
Learn Shotokan Kihon Kumite

01 Apr 2015 12:46

Learn Shotokan Kihon Kumite

This page focuses on basic Shotokan kihon kumite (or sparring). Sparring teaches students how to utilize the basic elements of Karate (i.e. kicks, punches and blocks) for self-defense. Kihon kumite focuses on introductory drills where students memorize specific attacks and defenses.

Shotokan kihon kumite can include One Step Sparring (Ippon Kumite), 3 Step Sparring (Sanbon Kumite) and/or 5 Step Sparring (Gohon Kumite). In the videos below, you will see a variety of one step sparring drills.

For additional kumite techniques, please visit the main Shotokan Kumite section.

Kihon Ippon Kumite - Jodan (to the Head)

Kihon Ippon Kumite - Chudan (to the Middle)

Additional Chudan and Jodan Kihon Kumite
