Instructions for Wado-Ryu Karate Kata - Pinan Sandan
Instructions for Wado-Ryu Karate Kata - Pinan Sandan

20 Oct 2014 22:58

Instructions for Wado-Ryu Karate Kata - Pinan Sandan

This page will help you to learn the Wado-Ryu kata - Pinan Sandan. This is the third Karate kata used by the Wado-Ryu system.

Written step-by-step instructions for Pinan Sandan are provided below. However, if you have any questions about a particular kata movement, please check with your instructor because kata instructions can vary by school and organization.

For additional Wado-Ryu Karate katas (i.e. Pinan Shodan), please visit the main Wado-Ryu Katas page. If you are searching for other katas (i.e. Shotokan), please visit the main Kata & Forms section.

Instructional Video for Wado-Ryu Kata - Pinan Sandan

Instructional Video for Wado-Ryu Kata - Pinan Sandan

Written Instructions for Wado-Ryu Kata - Pinan Sandan

  • From masuba dachi (atten­tion stance), rei (bow), then open to hachiji dachi (ready stance).
  • Drop your weight as you turn the hips 90 degrees to your left, set­ting into a left shomen neko ashi dachi (left front fac­ing cat stance) while doing a left soto uke (left mid­dle block) (the right hand is pulled back in hikite).
  • Step your right foot to your left foot into a heisoku dachi as you relax your left arm back across your upper chest and your right arm across your lower body and then throw a right soto uke (right mid­dle block)and a left gedan uke (left low block) simultaneously.
  • Let your right arm relax back across your upper chest and your left arm across your lower body and then throw a left soto uke (left mid­dle block) and a right gedan uke (right low block) simultaneously.
  • Drop your weight as you turn the hips 180 degrees to your right, set­ting into a right shomen neko ashi dachi (right front fac­ing cat stance) while doing a right soto uke (right mid­dle block) (the left hand is pulled back in hikite).
  • Step your left foot to your right foot into a heisoku dachi as you relax your right arm back across your upper chest and your left arm across your lower body and then throw a left soto uke (left mid­dle block) and a right gedan uke (right low block) simultaneously.
  • Let your left arm relax back across your upper chest and your right arm across your lower body and then throw a right soto uke (right mid­dle block) and a left gedan uke (left low block) simultaneously.
  • Drop your weight as you turn the hips 90 degrees to your left, set­ting into a left shomen neko ashi dachi (left front fac­ing cat stance) while doing a left soto uke (left mid­dle block) (the right hand is pulled back in hikite).
  • Step for­ward with your right foot into a right jun­zuki dachi (right front stance) and throw a right yohon nukite (right four fin­ger spear hand) to the solar plexus level (the left hand is pulled back in hikite).
  • Set your left foot over slightly and turn your body 180 degrees to your left into a jun­zuki no tsukomi dachi (left lunge stance). As you turn let the right arm fall so it ends extended palm up cen­tered on the buttocks.
  • Pull your left foot back behind you turn­ing your body 90 degrees to the left into a shiko dachi (four point stance) and throw­ing a gedan uke (low block) straight to your left and pulling your right arm into a hikite posi­tion as you look to your left.
  • Step for­ward with your right foot into a right jun­zuki dachi (right front stance) and throw a right jun­zuki (right front punch) to the solar plexus level (the left hand is pulled back in hikite).
  • Pivot on your right foot and turn your body to your left 180 degrees as you pull your left foot to your right into masuba dachi (atten­tion stance). As you turn let your fists move to belt level on the sides of your body. You fin­ish with the knuck­les, (the face of the fist), of the index and mid­dle fin­gers, on your belt, palm fac­ing to the rear, with your elbows out to your side and push­ing for­ward slightly.
  • As you set your right foot for­ward (in line with your left foot), let your right fist roll toward the floor and back on the lit­tle fin­ger (end­ing up as a low hikite, on your belt). Now pivot both feet and twist your body to your left 90 degrees into a shiko dachi (four point stance). As you twist into the shiko dachi let your right arm return to it’s prior posi­tion by revers­ing the motion it made at the begin­ning of this move (let your fist roll for­ward and up, to the first two knuck­les). Then throw a right gedan uke (right low block) straight to your right side, and then return your hand back to it’s prior posi­tion on your belt (by turn­ing the hand, at the exten­sion of the block, counter-clockwise 90 degrees and flex­ing the bicep, to draw the hand straight to the belt).
  • Pivot on the balls of both feet and turn your body 90 degrees to your right as you let your left fist roll toward the floor and back on the lit­tle fin­ger (end­ing up as a low hikite, on your belt). Step for­ward with your left foot (in line with your right foot) and pivot both feet and twist your body to your right 90 degrees into a shiko dachi (four point stance). As you twist into the shiko dachi let your left arm return to it’s prior posi­tion by revers­ing the motion it made at the begin­ning of this move (let your fist roll for­ward and up, to the first two knuck­les). Then throw a left gedan uke (left low block) straight to your left side, and then return your hand back to it’s prior posi­tion on your belt (by turn­ing the hand, at the exten­sion of the block, clock­wise 90 degrees and flex­ing the bicep, to draw the hand straight to the belt).
  • Pivot on the balls of both feet and turn your body 90 degrees to your left as you let your right fist roll toward the floor and back on the lit­tle fin­ger (end­ing up as a low hikite, on your belt). Step for­ward with your right foot (in line with your left foot) and pivot both feet and twist your body to your left 90 degrees into a shiko dachi (four point stance). As you twist into the shiko dachi let your right arm return to it’s prior posi­tion by revers­ing the motion it made at the begin­ning of this move (let your fist roll for­ward and up, to the first two knuck­les). Then throw a right gedan uke (right low block) straight to your right side (this last block stays extended).
  • Mov­ing right, Step with your left foot into a left jun­zuki dachi (left front stance) and throw a left jun­zuki (left front punch).
  • Step your right foot up even with your left foot but shoul­der width apart, doing noth­ing with your arms at this point. Then pivot on the ball of your right foot to your left 180 degrees, set­ting your left foot into a shiko dachi (four point stance). And fin­ish by pulling your right foot in toward your left foot (stop­ping in a wide ready stance — hachiji dachi), as you simul­ta­ne­ously pull your left hand back into a hikite and your right arm (remain­ing in a hikite posi­tion) across your body, from the shoul­der, throw­ing a punch back over your left shoulder.
  • Set your right foot to your right into a shiko dachi (four point stance), then pull your left foot in toward your right foot (stop­ping in a wide ready stance — hachiji dachi), as you simul­ta­ne­ously pull your right arm (remain­ing in a hikite posi­tion) from the shoul­der, back into a nor­mal hikite and your left arm (remain­ing in a hikite posi­tion) across your body, from the shoul­der, throw­ing a punch back over your right shoulder.
  • Pull the right foot into a nor­mal hachiji dachi (ready stance) (very small move) and let the arms relax to your sides.
  • Close into masuba dachi (atten­tion stance), then bow.


  1. The written kata instructions were kindly provided by Dojo Update, Pinan Sandan Kata,, Added - 10/20/14