Instructions for the Outside Crescent Kick
Instructions for the Outside Crescent Kick

31 Mar 2016 21:20

Instructions for the Outside Crescent Kick

This page provides details on how to do a martial arts outside crescent kick. The crescent kick is used in many different martial arts styles. For example, the outside crescent kick is known as Bandal Bakkat Chagi in Taekwondo. The outside crescent kick can also be known in English as an out-to-in crescent kick, inwards crescent kick, etc.

This inside crescent kick travels in a circular motion or arc from the outside to the inside. It strikes an opponent with the inside edge of the foot (or heel of foot in a "crescent axe kick" hybrid variation). An outside crescent kick can be easier to throw than the inside crescent kick. The outside crescent kick is often used when you are in close and you want to "loop" a kick around an opponent's body in order to strike their head or bring the foot down on their clavicle.

For more instructions on different martial arts kicks, please visit our main Martial Arts Kicks section.

Crescent Kick Variations

Instructional Video on Outside Crescent Kicks

Instructional Video on Outside Crescent Kicks - Labelled as an Inwards Crescent Kick in this Video

How To Use Crescent Kick In Sparring
