Kung Fu Joint Locks
Kung Fu Joint Locks

29 Feb 2016 22:59

Kung Fu Joint Locks

Many Kung Fu styles use joint locks to disarm, disable or restrain opponents. In Chinese, joint lock techniques are known as "Chin Na" or "Qin Na". Kung Fu joint locks include wrist locks, elbow locks, etc. In many Kung Fu styles, individual joint lock techniques often have colorful names such as "Tiger Emerges from Cave".

While most Kung Fu styles use joint locks, some styles give joint locks greater emphasis in their training. For example, Eagle Claw Kung Fu has traditionally 108 Chin Na techniques.

For other joint locks (i.e. from Aikido or Hapkido), please visit the main Joint Locks section.

Instructional Video for Shaolin Joint Locks

Eagle Claw Chin Na Techniques
