Learn Karate's Gyaku-Zuki (or Reverse Punch)
Learn Karate's Gyaku-Zuki (or Reverse Punch)

03 Apr 2015 12:53

Learn Karate's Gyaku-Zuki (or Reverse Punch)

This section examines Karate's Gyaku-Zuki (Gyaku-Tsuki) or "Reverse Punch". This is the standard "power" punch used by many martial arts styles and systems. If you want to learn how this type of punch is thrown and utilized by other martial arts (i.e. Boxing and Muay Thai), please visit the main Straight Punch page. This punching technique is also known as a Cross Punch, Rear Hand Punch, etc.

For more punch information and videos, visit the main Karate Punches section.

Shotokan Instructional Video for the Gyaku-Zuki (or Reverse Punch)

Gyaku-Zuki (or Reverse Punch)

Information for Wado-Ryu Students

  • The technique uses a shorter stance in Wado-Ryu (versus Shotokan Karate). Practice from a standing position with no step in. You should move first with the knee, then hip, then shoulder and then the punch. This will create more fluidity in the technique. You are almost falling into this punch because moving objects generate more power than static one. You will generate more power with less input.
  • The key with this punch is to be able to fire it off as fast as you can because speed often offsets power. A good fast strike will beat a slow powerful punch. This can be learned through practicing your Karate Kihon Bunkai or striking drills.