Learn about Karate Kihon
Learn about Karate Kihon

10 Oct 2013 00:19

Learn about Karate Kihon

Many Karate schools put significant emphasis on Kihon (or "basic techniques" such as elementary stances, blocks, punches and kicks). These are fundamental techniques which are core to Karate and assist in developing muscle memory, proper posture, strength, etc. Moreover, Kihon techniques are consider the "building blocks" to more advanced Karate techniques.

Basic Kihon techniques receive significant repetition in Karate schools. Moreover, they are practiced individually or with a partner.

We have listed below many of the elements found in Karate Kihon. However, be aware that Kihon can vary greatly by school and Karate sub-style.

Main Elements of Karate Kihon

Shotokan Karate Kihon
