Instructions for Shotokan Kata 5 - Heian Godan
Instructions for Shotokan Kata 5 - Heian Godan

06 Feb 2016 22:33

Instructions for Shotokan Kata 5 - Heian Godan

This page provides you with written instructions and videos for Shotokan Karate Kata 5 - Heian Godan. This is one of the Shotokan katas for color belt (non-black belt) Karate students. These instructions will help you to prepare for your next Shotokan Karate belt test.

Written step-by-step instructions for this kata are at the bottom of the page. To master these Shotokan Karate katas, you will also have to learn basic Shotokan stances, Karate kicks, Karate blocks, Karate punches, etc. You should also visit the Shotokan Bunkai - Heian Godan page for practical applications of this kata.

For other Shotokan katas, please visit the main Shotokan Karate Katas page.

Section supported by Shotokan books

Step-By-Step Instructional Video for Shotokan Karate Kata - Heian Godan

Demonstration Video for Shotokan Kata - Heian Godan

Written Instructions for Shotokan Karate Kata 5 - Heian Godan

  • 23 movements. This kata requires accurate Shotokan stances (daichi).
  • Ready position
  • Turn left 90 degrees, step out left back stance, left middle inside block
  • Remain in place, right middle reverse punch
  • Turn right 90 degrees, pivoting on left foot, draw right foot into left, informal attention stance, left middle hook punch slowly
  • Turn right 90 degrees, step forward right back stance, right middle inside block
  • Remain in place, left middle reverse punch
  • Turn left 90 degrees, pivoting on right foot, draw left foot into right, informal attention stance, right middle hook punch slowly
  • Step forward right back stance, right middle augmented block
  • Step forward left front stance, bring both fists to right hip, then downward x-block
  • Remain in place, bring crossed fists to chest, then upper x-block (open hand)
  • Remain in place, twist hips right 45 degrees, wrists remain touching, rotate palms to face each other, then pull hands to right hip, wrists remain touching
  • Remain in place, left middle hammer-fist strike
  • Step forward right front stance, right middle lunge punch, yell Kiai
  • Turn left 270 degrees, pivoting on the left foot, horse riding stance, right downward block, to the right
  • Remain in place, left middle vertical knife-hand block, to the left, slowly
  • Turn left 90 degrees, pivoting on left foot, right middle crescent kick
  • Turn left 90 degrees, pivoting on left foot, horse riding stance, right middle front elbow strike into left palm
  • Bring left foot behind right, cross stance, right middle augmented block, to the right
  • Turn left 90 degrees, straighten right leg, extend left leg forward about one foot in length, toes touching ground, punch straight up behind head with right fist, left fist remains in contact with right elbow
  • Bring right leg rapidly to left, jump off left foot, draw knees high, turn left 90 degrees in the air and land right low cross stance, draw both fists to waist during jump, then downward x-block on landing
  • Turn right 90 degrees, pivoting on the left foot, step forward right augmented front stance, right middle augmented block
  • Turn left 180 degrees, pivoting on both feet, left augmented front stance, right downward palm-heel strike, simultaneously left upper sweeping block
  • Feet remain in place, shift weight back, left back stance, left downward block, simultaneously right upper inside block behind head
  • Turn right 90 degrees, pivoting on the left foot, draw left foot to right, informal attention stance, arms remain in place
  • Turn left 90 degrees, pivoting on the left foot, step forward right augmented front stance, left downward palm-heel strike, simultaneously right upper sweeping block
  • Feet remain in place, shift weight back, right back stance, right downward block, simultaneous left upper inside block behind head
  • Pull right foot back into ready position, facing same direction as start


  1. American Shotokan Karate Federation, Heian Godan,, Added - 01/15/14