List of Eskrima Guards
List of Eskrima Guards

29 May 2015 13:40

List of Eskrima Guards

In Eskrima, students learn a variety of guards and stances during training. Listed below are a number of basic guard positions used by Eskrima students.

Basic Guard Positions

Abierta - Open Guard

In this guard position, the user's stick and lead leg are on the same side of the body (i.e. right hand holding the stick, right leg in front). From this position, a forehand strike would be the predominant first move (as that is the overall set up in mind for this guard). In addition, the user can easily block from this position as well as follow-up with the other hand.


Serada - Closed Guard

In this position, the user's stick and lead leg are opposite (ie. right hand holding the stick, left leg forward). To be noted however, this does not make the open hand the lead hand, the stick still leads. From this position, a backhand strike would be the predominant first move. In addition, the user can easily block as well as follow-up with the alive/open hand.

Tutsada - Thrusting Guard

In this position, the user's stick and lead leg are the same (ie. right hand holding the stick, right leg forward). Rather than the elbow pointing down, holding the stick upright in the previous two guards the stick is pointed outward similar to a fencing position. The stick arm is in closer to the stomach with the wrist slightly curled, again the end of the stick pointed outward for a thrust. This thrust can be assisted with the heel of the empty hand pushing on the but of the stick during the strike. Blocking from this position can be more difficult and slightly limits the use of the alive/open hand.

For more on single stick work please refer back to the Solo Baston page.
For more on the art please refer back to the main Kali/Arnis/Eskrima page.


  1. Abierta - open guard picture courtesy of Christopher Adamchek's Pinterest page,