Learn about 108 Chin Na Techniques - Eagle Claw Kung Fu
Learn about 108 Chin Na Techniques - Eagle Claw Kung Fu

14 Oct 2014 14:25

Learn about 108 Chin Na Techniques - Eagle Claw Kung Fu

Eagle Claw Kung Fu is known for a system called 108 Chin Na Techniques. This is a series of 108 different techniques taught to students that focuses on locks, strikes, pressure point attacks and how to counter these attacks.

According to Lily Lau Eagle Claw Kung Fu Federation, students use the following 18-character poem in order to understand the Chin Na techniques in Eagle Claw Kung Fu.

  1. Dian 點 - Spot, Dot, Speck - To precisely strike to the pressure points or accupoints.
  2. Na 拿 - Hold, Take - To seize the joints, tendons and points.
  3. Suo 鎖 - Lock - To lock the throat, joints, and legs.
  4. Kou 扣 - Detain - To hook the leg or the elbow.
  5. Ban 搬 - Take away, Move, Remove - To move the opponent.
  6. Chan 纏 - Twine, Wind - To wrap like a vine, attacking the wrist or ankles.
  7. Qie 切 - Cutting - To strike with a sawing or slicing action, like drawing a cut.
  8. Ya 壓 - Press, Push down, Hold Down - To press the elbow and legs.
  9. Sui摔 - Throwing - To throw your opponent. (the Sui from shuai chiao)
  10. Chin 擒 - Catch - To catch the head, arms or legs
  11. Zhua 抓 - Grab, Seize, Clutch - To attack with claw.
  12. Ba 拔 - Pull out, Pull up - To pull the limbs.
  13. Ning 擰 - Twist, Wring - To pinch the arms or wrists.
  14. Feng 封 - Seal, Block - To block the throat or legs.
  15. Bi 閉 - Shut, Close - To stop breathing, shut down the throat.
  16. Die 跌 - Fall, Tumble - To make your opponent fall. Different from Sui, because the opponent falls straight down instead of being thrown.
  17. Lan 攔 - Stop from coming in - To ward off.
  18. Diao 刁 - Tricky, Artful, Sly - To be able to reverse a grab. This technique is changeable, not just fixed, depending on how your opponent comes. Uses Na and Kou.

Below is an Eagle Claw Kung Fu video that reviews some of the basic 108 Chin Na techniques.

Video of Eagle Claw Kung Fu and Chin Na Techniques


  1. Lily Lau Eagle Claw Kung Fu Federation, Chin Na, http://www.laufatmangeagleclaw.com/eagle-claw-history.html, Added - 10/14/14