Instructions for the Tiger Claw - Kung Fu Technique
Instructions for the Tiger Claw - Kung Fu Technique

09 Oct 2014 21:00

Instructions for the Tiger Claw - Kung Fu Technique

This page provides details for the Chinese martial arts "Tiger Claw" technique. This technique is used in self-defense situations in order to escape an attacker (i.e. by striking their neck). This striking technique is associated with Kung Fu styles such as Fu Jow Pai (Tiger Claw Kung Fu).

To use this technique, martial arts students form their hands into an arc (like a tiger's or crab's claw) and seek to strike an opponent's neck. They can also try to grab and rip their opponent's neck or attack pressure points during this strike. This technique can also be used against other "soft" targets such as the face/eyes and groin. This strike is similar to the Kung Fu Eagle Claw technique.

For more punches and hand/arm strikes, please visit the main Punches & Strikes page.

Demonstration Videos of the Tiger Claw Technique
