Learn about Taiho Jutsu - Japanese Martial Arts for Police
Learn about Taiho Jutsu - Japanese Martial Arts for Police

05 Dec 2014 18:56

Learn about Taiho Jutsu - Japanese Martial Arts for Police

Taiho Jutsu is a Japanese martial arts style that was originally designed to help feudal police arrest armed criminals. In modern times, Taiho Jutsu focuses heavily on non-lethal approaches (i.e. joint locks for restraint). However, Taiho Jutsu students also receive a large amount of training in traditional martial arts techniques such as kicks and punches.

According to the International Taiho Jutsu Federation, "The combination of wrist controls, arm controls, holds and locks used in Ju Jutsu, Aikido and Judo, make Taiho Jutsu an ideal art for police officers. The “harder” karate techniques were added in case the use of force escalates and a stronger amount of force is necessary. Combined together, this martial art is without equal, not only for police work, but all around self-defense."

Taiho Jutsu

Techniques used in Taiho Jutsu

  • Posture, Stances and Breakfalls - Tachi Waza and Ukemi
  • Body Movement - Tai Sabaki Waza, Kuzushi
  • Striking Techniques - Ate Waza, Uchi Waza, Uchi Tsuki
  • Kicking Techniques - Keri Waza
  • Blocking Techniques - Uke Waza
  • Vital Point Techniques and Pressure Points - Atemi Waza
  • Joint Locking Techniques - Kansetsu Waza
  • Counter Techniques - Gyaku Waza
  • Strangulation Techniques - Shime Waza
  • Holding Techniques - Osae Waza
  • Arresting Techniques - Taiho Waza
  • Defense Against Weapons - Bogyo Senjutsu
  • Throwing Techniques - Nage Waza
  • Self-Defense Techniques: Counters, Escapes, Avoidance - Kaeshi, Fusegi, Furimi
  • Use of Specialized Weapons - Keii, Handcuffs, Plastic Ties
  • Special Considerations: Defense against Gun, Knife, and Club

Belt Levels in Taiho Jutsu (per the International Taiho Jutsu Federation)

  • New Student - Kyu - White Belt
  • 10th Class - Ju kyu - White Belt
  • 9th Class - Ku Kyu - White Belt
  • 8th Class - Hachi Kyu - Yellow Belt
  • 7th Class - Shichi Kyu - Yellow Belt
  • 6th Class - Ro Kyu - Blue Belt
  • 5th Class - Go Kyu - Green Belt
  • 4th Class - Yon Kyu - Green Belt
  • 3rd Class - Sankyu - Brown Belt
  • 2nd Class - Nikyu - Brown Belt
  • 1st Class - Ikkyu - Brown Belt
  • 1st Grade - Shodan - 1st Degree Black Belt
  • 2nd Grade - Nidan - 2nd Degree Black Belt
  • 3rd Grade - Sandan - 3rd Degree Black Belt
  • 4th Grade - Yodan - 4th Degree Black Belt
  • 5th Grade - Godan - 5th Degree Black Belt
  • 6th Grade - Rokudan - 6th Degree Black Belt
  • 7th Grade - Shichidan - 7th Degree Black Belt
  • 8th Grade - Hichidan - 8th Degree Black Belt
  • 9th Grade - Kudan - 9th Degree Black Belt
  • 10th Grade - Judan - 10th Degree Black Belt


  1. United States Taiho Jutsu Association, Overview, http://ustjf.us/over.html, Added - 11/16/13
  2. International Taiho Jutsu Federation, History of Taiho Jutsu, http://www.itjf.net/history.html, Added - 11/17/13
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