Standing Opposite Knee To Elbow Exercise - Martial Arts Core Strength Exercise
Standing Opposite Knee To Elbow Exercise - Martial Arts Core Strength Exercise

24 Feb 2016 21:05

Standing Opposite Knee To Elbow Exercise - Martial Arts Core Strength Exercise

This page will teach you how to do the Standing Opposite Knee To Elbow Exercise. In this body weight core exercise, you will lock your hands behind your head and bring your knees up towards your opposite elbow (i.e. left knee to right elbow).

This exercise works primarily on your abs and obliques. Secondarily, it will help your hips and legs. Strengthening your abs and obliques will help to improve your rotational power ("torquing" power) and thus help your martial arts grappling, kicking and punching strength.

All stretches and exercises should be supervised by a trained martial arts instructor to ensure the proper technique is being utilized and to avoid potential injuries. For more exercises, please visit the main Martial Arts Strength Training section.

Instructional Video for the Standing Opposite Knee To Elbow Exercise
