Speed & Agility Equipment for Martial Arts Training
Speed & Agility Equipment for Martial Arts Training

19 Sep 2014 00:18

Speed & Agility Equipment for Martial Arts Training - Martial Arts Store

To win during martial arts sparring matches, you need to be quick and agile. Therefore, here is a list of speed & agility equipment that will help to improve your overall sparring skills by making your strikes faster and your movements quicker.

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Speed & Agility Training Gear

  • Agility Cones
  • Agility Ladders - Agility ladders are famous… or is that infamous? for improving an athlete's footwork.
  • Agility Rollout Ladders - These are similar to agility ladders. However, an agility rollout ladder is more like a rollout carpet as it geared towards reducing the chance of an athlete tripping on a ladder rung during training.
  • Jump Ropes - As boxers know, jump ropes are great for improved cardiovascular health, leg power, footwork, endurance, etc.
  • Plyometrics Equipment - Professional athletes use plyometrics to build explosive leg power.
  • Reaction Belts
  • Resistance Bands
  • Speed Bags - Speed bags are used for punching speed, timing, upper body strength, hand-eye coordination, etc.
  • Speedsac - Work on your speed and acceleration by dragging a heavy bag around with a rope. Sounds like lots of fun! :)
  • Speed Training Parachutes - Elite athletes use the resistance of a speed parachute to improve their acceleration speed.
  • Step Hurdles - Step hurdles are like agility ladders but force you step higher.
  • Weighted Vests

Books on Speed & Agility Training
