Learn About Judo's Sode Guruma Jime (or Sleeve Wheel Choke)
Learn About Judo's Sode Guruma Jime (or Sleeve Wheel Choke)

10 Dec 2014 15:43

Learn About Judo's Sode Guruma Jime (or Sleeve Wheel Choke)

These videos provide instructions for Sode Guruma Jime (or Sleeve Wheel Choke) in Judo. This Judo choking technique is also known as a Sleeve Choke.

All Judo choking techniques (Shime Waza) are dangerous and should be practiced only under the supervision of a trained Judo instructor.

For more Judo throws and grappling techniques, please visit the main Judo Techniques page.

YouTube Instructional Video for Sode Guruma Jime - This video is in Japanese but watch his hand work.

YouTube Instructional Video for Sode Guruma Jime - A BJJ video but solid instruction for this Judo choking technique.

YouTube Demonstration of Judo's Sode Guruma Jime
