Instructions for Shorin-Ryu Kata - Taikyoku Shodan
Instructions for Shorin-Ryu Kata - Taikyoku Shodan

12 Oct 2015 13:19

Instructions for Shorin-Ryu Kata - Taikyoku Shodan

This section looks at Shorin-Ryu Kata - Taikyoku Shodan. This kata is an introductory kata used by many different Karate styles. While Taikyoku kata is similar across styles, there can also be style differences (i.e. depth of stance) so please check with your instructor. Taikyoku Shodan is often used as a kihon kata.

For more Shorin-Ryu katas (i.e. Fukyugata Ichi), please visit the main Shorin-Ryu Katas section. If you are looking for the katas of other Karate styles (i.e. Shotokan or Wado-Ryu), visit the main Katas & Forms section.

Kata Instructions

Members - Please written step-by-step instructions here.

Demonstration Video for Shorin-Ryu Kata - Taikyoku Shodan

Shotokan Version of Taikyoku Shodan
