Instructions for Shorin-Ryu Kata Pinan 1 (or Pinan Shodan)
Instructions for Shorin-Ryu Kata Pinan 1 (or Pinan Shodan)

03 Dec 2014 23:47

Instructions for Shorin-Ryu Kata Pinan 1 (or Pinan Shodan)

This section looks at Shorin-Ryu Karate Kata Pinan 1 (or Pinan Shodan). This section provides video and step-by-step written instructions in order to help you to master this Karate kata.

For more Shorin-Ryu katas, visit the main Shorin-Ryu Katas section.

If you are looking for the katas of other Karate styles (i.e. Shotokan or Wado-Ryu), visit the main Katas & Forms section.

Video Demonstration of Shorin-Ryu Kata Pinan Shodan

Written Instructions for Shorin-Ryu Kata Pinan 1 (or Pinan Shodan)

0. Kamai (soto-hachiji shizentai-dachi: open leg natural stance) - Left foot steps left to make feet shoulder width apart, each foot facing 45-degrees out. Fists raise to hips, then press downward so that the arms hang straight down naturally. The elbows are relaxed; the fists are placed slightly away from the body and the distance between them is one and one-half fists.
1. 90-degree turn left (face 9:00) to left cat-stance, left middle technique and right upper technique. Right foot steps directly forward one foot length. Turn 90 degrees to left (face 9:00), feet pivot on ball to cat stance as hands pop up (no chamber) to execute left middle technique and right upper technique, but with elbows in tightly. Palms of fists face each other. Body at 45-degree angle (face 10:30). Weight should be 90-10.
2. Chamber against chest, left middle punch. Left fist comes to lapel, right wrist covers left wrist as left heel comes down and body turns to 45 degree angle to left. Weight should be 80-20. Snap hips right to square and execute left middle punch from chest, right fist chambered against side at chest level. Weight should be 70-30.
3. 180-degree turn right (face 3:00) to right cat stance, right middle technique and left upper technique. Left foot steps one half-step to place ball in front of right foot at 45-degree angle, fists come to center of body, crossed at wrists, back to back, left on top. Turn 180-degrees right (face 3:00), feet pivot on ball to cat stance as arms perform right middle technique and left upper technique, but with elbows in tightly. Palms of fists face each other. Body at 45-degree angle (face 1:30). Weight should be 90-10.
4. Chamber against chest, right middle punch. See details for 2.
5. (a) 90-degree turn (face 6:00) to right cat stance, right middle technique. Left foot steps forward almost to right foot, left high-low defend. Right foot pops directly across toward 9:00 (face 6:00) to right cat stance. Hips snap right to square as right fist performs inside-outside middle technique, left hand chambered against side at chest level. (b) Right front abdomen kick. Right front kick, retract and place foot at 45 degree angle (facing 4:30). (c) 180-degree turn (face 12:00) to left cat stance, double middle knife-hand technique. Bring both hands up in front (grab), perform 180-degree turn by sliding left foot back and keeping ball of right foot stationary while performing a double middle knife hand technique (throw).
6. Step to right cat stance, double middle knife-hand technique. As right foot steps forward, right hand extends to deflect toward left before snapping to double middle knife position.
7. Step to left cat stance, double middle knife-hand technique. See details for 6.
8. Step to right walking stance, right spear-hand thrust to solar plexus, left hand chambered. KAIA. Right foot steps forward to right walking stance, right hip snaps to square as right hand executes right spear-hand thrust to solar plexus, left hand chambered against side at chest level.
9. 270 degree turn left (face 3:00) to left cat stance, double middle knife hand technique. Break down to left cat stance (face 7:30) by pivoting on right foot and pulling left foot in. Extend left hand to front. Step left foot directly back, then pivot (face 3:00) and sink into left cat stance, executing double middle knife hand technique.
10. Right foot steps forward at 45-degree angle out to right cat stance (face 4:30), double middle knife hand technique. Bring heel of left foot to ground, as right foot steps forward at 45-degree angle out into right cat stance to perform double middle knife hand. Body is at 45-degree angle (face 4:30).
11. 135-degree turn right (face 9:00) to right cat stance, double middle knife hand. Right foot steps directly back (past left foot) to face 9:00. Pivot to right cat stance to perform double middle knife hand.
12. Left foot steps forward at 45-degree angle to left cat stance (face 7:30), double middle knife hand technique. See details for 10.
13. Step to left crossing stance, right middle technique. Left foot moves to center of diagram (pointing 6:00), left high-low defend. Right foot moves to left crossing stance (press left foot forward to face foot to 3:00, ball of right foot behind heel of left), right middle technique, left hand chambered. Body should be at 45-degree angle (extended toward middle technique).
14. Right front kick, retract and place in right walking stance, left reverse punch. Right front abdomen kick, retract and place in right walking stance, left reverse punch, right fist chambered against side at chest level.
15. Step into right crossing stance, left middle technique. See details for 13.
16. Left front kick, retract and place in left walking stance, right reverse punch. See details for 14.
17. Step into right long stance, right augmented forearm block. Both fists come to left hip (palms facing), weight shifts to left leg, left heel presses forward as right leg is extended forward (75% of weight on back foot). Shift weight to proper long stance while performing a supported right middle technique (palms up).
18. 225 degree turn (face 10:30) into left long stance, left lower technique. Break down into cat stance (pull left foot in), left hand to high defend, right hand punches across body low, body pivots (face 1:30). Bring left foot to right foot then step out to 10:30. Snap hips left to square, pivoting right foot on ball, into left long stance (face 10:30), execute left lower technique, chamber right fist against side at chest level.
19. Step into right walking stance, right upper technique. Right foot steps forward into right walking stance, execute right upper technique, chamber left fist against side at chest level.
20. Step directly across into right long stance (face 1:30), right lower technique. Break down into cat stance (pull right foot in), right high-low defend. Extend right foot directly across toward 3:00, facing 1:30. Snap hips right into right long stance (face 1:30), execute right lower technique, chamber left fist against side at chest level.
21. Step into left walking stance, left upper technique. Left foot steps forward into left walking stance, execute left upper technique, chamber right fist against side at chest level.
22. Kamai - Fists move to hips as left foot steps back to initial kamai position. Hands press down to initial kamai position.


  1. Written Kata Instructions courtesy of Jen White Doom, WSU Karate, Added - 11/18/13