Sai - Thrusts
Sai - Thrusts

03 Jan 2016 22:14

Sai - Thrusts

Thrusting with the sai can be done with the primary or secondary grip.

Primary Thrust

  • This is done with the tsukagashira (the butt) of the sai
  • This thrust can be executed nearly the same as a variety of Karate punches, following the same or similar mechanics
    • A full / half rotation punch similar from holding the fist in chamber
    • A jab or short distance punch from having your guard up
    • Main targets include: face, throat, stomach and chest

Secondary Thrust

  • This is done with the saki (tip) of the sai
  • Same as the primary this thrust can be executed nearly the same as a variety of Karate punches, following the same or similar mechanics
    • A full / half rotation punch similar from holding the fist in chamber
    • A jab or short distance punch from having your guard up
    • The difference here being that penetration into the body of the opponent, and a longer range
    • Main targets include: face, throat, stomach, chest, and thigh (due to the longer range)

(a suitable video has yet to be found)

For more on the Sai please refer back to the Sai techniques page.
