Sai - Grips
Sai - Grips

29 Dec 2015 15:08

Sai - Grips

This page will show you how to properly hold a sai

Instructions for Technique

  • Primary Grip
    • The thumb is hooked around the bottom of the yoku (side prong), between the yoku and the monouchi (central shaft)
    • The index finger is held straight pressed against the tsuka (handle)
    • The other three fingers are wrapped around the outside bottom curve of the yoku
  • Secondary grip
    • The thumb is at the center point of three prongs
    • The other four fingers are wrapped around the tsuka (handle)
    • Alternatively - the index or the index and middle finger can be curled around bottom of the yoku (side prong) between it and the monouchi (central shaft) which can allow for a quicker / smoother transition between the primary and secondary grips
    • However the alternative grip eliminates the use of one of the yoku (side prongs) for catching an attack

For more on the Sai please refer back to the Sai techniques page.
