Sai - Defensive Blocks
Sai - Defensive Blocks

02 Jan 2016 02:34

Sai - Defensive Blocks

These are defensive blocks because they are executed from the primary defensive grip.

Instructions for Technique

  • High Block - over the head follows the same mechanics of a typical karate high block so that the Monouchi is the blocking the strike as it runs down the forearm.
  • Inside to Outside Middle Block - traveling from the center line of the body outwards to block an incoming strike. Here the mechanics vary slightly from a typical karate middle block with the palm of the fist facing up. Here a hooking block is actually used but with the sai in hand, with the palm facing down. Again similar to a standard middle block but with the the palm down so that the monouchi of the sai is able to block the attack.
  • Outside to Inside Middle Block - traveling from the outside of the body to the center to block an attack. This is done the same as a typical karate soto uke block but with sai in hand.
  • Low block - follows the same mechanics as a typical karate low block but with sai in hand.

Note: All blocks can sub-sequentially hook the attacking weapon such as a stick, staff, or sword with the yoku.

The first part of this video shows these defensive blocks.

For more on the Sai please refer back to the Sai techniques page.
