Learn Tang Soo Do Form 6 (Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Hyung)
Learn Tang Soo Do Form 6 (Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Hyung)

04 Dec 2014 23:45

Learn Tang Soo Do Form 6 (Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Hyung)

This page teaches you how to do Tang Soo Do Form 6 (Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Hyung). These videos and instructions will help to prepare you for your next Tang Soo Do belt test. To master these forms, you also need to know your Tang Soo Do stances.

For more Tang Soo Do form instructions and videos, visit our main Tang Soo Do Hyung (forms) page.

Step-by-step written instructions for this form are on the bottom of the page.

YouTube Video of Tang Soo Do Form 6 with Instructions

YouTube Video of Tang Soo Do Form 6 without Instructions

Written Instructions for Tang Soo Do Form 6 (Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Hyung)

  • Ready Stance.
  • * Look left. Bring your right fist up to your left shoulder. Pickup your left knee and turn 90 degrees to the left bringing the left arm into side block position pulling the right arm back to the right rib cage as if preparing for a punch. Fighting Stance.
  • Bring your right fist forward and downward until the inside of the right elbow almost touches the outside of the bent left elbow. Slide your right foot over right next to your left foot. Bend your knees slightly. Feet together facing left 90 degrees from original Chun Be position. The rotation of the arms should have good snap, with a slight pause between rotations.
  • Rotate the right arm clockwise until the right arm is in front of your nose. At the same time rotate your left arm clockwise until it is downward as the right arm used to be. Straighten your knees.
  • Same thing reversing the arms, that is: Rotate the left arm counter-clockwise until the left arm is in front of your nose. At the same time rotate your right arm counter-clockwise until it is downward as the left arm used to be. Standing straight, feet together.
  • Look right. Pick up your right knee and turn 180 degrees to the right bringing the right arm into side block position pulling the left arm back to the left rib cage as if preparing for a punch. Fighting Stance.
  • Bring your left fist forward and downward until the inside of the left elbow almost touches the outside of the bent right elbow. Slide your left foot over right next to your right foot. Bend your knees slightly. Your feet should be together facing right 90 degrees from original Chun Be position.
  • Rotate the left arm counter-clockwise until the left arm is in front of your nose. At the same time rotate your right arm counter-clockwise until it is downward as the left arm used to be. Straighten your knees. The rotation of the arms should have good snap, with a slight pause between rotations.
  • Same thing reversing the arms, that is: Rotate the right arm clockwise until the right arm is in front of your nose. At the same time rotate your left arm clockwise until it is downward as the right arm used to be. Standing straight, feet together.
  • Look left. Pick up your left knee and bring your fists down to your right hip. Turn 90 degrees to the left landing in a low front stance and perform a two-hand block with the left arm. Low Front Stance.
  • Rotate the left arm clockwise opening the hand as if to block. Leave the left arm parallel with the floor. Pull the right fist back to the rib cage as you step forward into another low Front Stance. As your right foot reaches the ground extend the right hand forward allowing it to slide of the top of the left hand and end in a Kwan Soo. Ki-yup. Low Front Stance.
  • Look 180 degrees to the left. Bring your right hand behind you until the back of the hand rests against your back just above the belt. Turn 360 degrees degrees to the left and end in a Horse-riding stance. Left fist comes down from above in a collarbone strike. Horse-riding stance.
  • Step forward into a Front Stance bringing your right hand from behind your back and perform a Middle Punch. The left fist is pulled back to the left rib cage. Front Stance.
  • Look left 180 degrees. Rotate left on the ball of your right foot sweeping your left foot around until both feet are together. As you turn the arms move as if controlled by centrifugal force until both are downward and bent at the elbow. During this movement the head has not raised or lowered from the previous Front Stance. The right and left arms are mirror images of each other. The right arm is at the right side such that the lower arm could be move directly left, without any shoulder movement and the fist would touch the belt. Straighten up bringing the fists of both hands in to rest on the belt. The shoulders should be rolled forward slightly. Standing Straight up, feet together.
  • Bend the knees slightly. With the right left leg perform an Outside-Inside Kick leaving the leg bent at the knee and off the floor. Horse-riding stance.
  • Swing the right elbow back and then forward turning 90 degrees left as if to strike with it. As you ‘strike’ slam the right foot down in a stomp. Horse-riding stance.
  • Bring the right arm up over your head and strike downward as if to hit the opponent on the head/shoulders. Return the arm/fist to the waisted position. Horse-riding stance.
  • With the left right leg perform an Outside Inside Kick leaving the leg bent at the knee and off the floor. Horse-riding stance.
  • Swing the left elbow forward turning 180 degrees right as if to strike with it. As you ‘strike’ slam the left foot down in a stomp. Horse-riding stance.
  • Bring the left arm up over your head and strike downward as if to hit the opponent on the head/shoulders. Return the arm/fist to the waisted position. Horse-riding stance.
  • With the right leg perform an Outside Inside Kick leaving the leg bent at the knee and off the floor. Horse-riding stance.
  • Swing the right elbow forward turning 180 degrees right as if to strike with it. As you ‘strike’ slam the right foot down in a stomp. Horse-riding stance.
  • Bring the right arm up over your head and strike downward as if to hit the opponent on the head/shoulders. Leave the right arm extended for now. Horse-riding stance.
  • Step forward with the left foot into a Front Stance. Pull the right fist back the rib cage and perform a Middle Punch with the left fist. Front Stance.
  • Slowly lift the rear (right) leg while inhaling deeply. Balance on left leg .
  • Slowly lower the right leg while exhaling deeply and end in a Horse-riding stance. Horse-riding stance.
  • Look 270 degrees left. Lift the left leg and spin 180 degrees to the left. The next three actions occur simultaneously. The left fist is brought back to the left rib cage as if to strike with the elbow. The right fist is brought up over the left shoulder as if to strike with the fist. The left foot is brought down as if to stomp an opponent’s foot. Horse-riding stance.
  • Look right. Jump in the air and land to the right. Right and left arms switch positions as follows: The right fist return to the right rib cage as if to strike behind with the elbow. The left fist raises up over the right shoulder as if to strike with the left fist. Horse-riding stance. Ki-yup.
  • Return to Ready Stance.

Reference Sources

  1. Tang Soo Do Hyung written instructions were generously supplied by My Karate Kicks, http://mykaratekicks.blogspot.com/p/hyung.html, Added - 12/8/13