Odachi (Nodachi) - Japanese Curved Sword
Odachi (Nodachi) - Japanese Curved Sword

07 May 2015 16:06

Odachi (Nodachi) - Japanese Curved Sword

Odachi (or Nodachi) is a long curved sword used in Japanese martial arts such as Ninjutsu and Bujutsu. Odachi/Nodachi also known as the O Tachi (literally Great Sword) are longer and heavier than a typical Katana and as with the Naginata, Nagamaki and Yari were best suited to mounted warriors though the traditional slashes, thrusts and blocks/parries of Kenjutsu techniques were (and in some Japanese Ryu or schools still are) adapted to the Odachi. There are also many examples of ceremonial Odachi (some of them of tremendous size) that were made purely for show (typically in Shinto shrines and temples) that were never intended to be used as actual weapons.
