Medicine Ball Backwards Throw - Martial Arts Strength Training
Medicine Ball Backwards Throw - Martial Arts Strength Training

14 Sep 2016 11:35

Medicine Ball Backwards Throw - Martial Arts Strength Training

This page will teach you how to do a Medicine Ball Backwards Throw. This plyometric exercise will improve arm, shoulder, core and back strength. In turn, this will help to generate stronger martial arts skills (i.e. grappling takedowns). The medicine ball backwards throw is a variation of traditional medicine ball overhead throws. This exercise is also known as medicine ball reverse overhead throws, etc.

Medicine ball exercises are seen as "functional" exercises because they work on a wide range of muscles at the same time versus concentrating on only a single muscle group (i.e. lifting dumbbells to work on the biceps). Athletes believe that this provides greater sports-related strength because medicine ball exercises mimic natural motions (i.e. a throw, punch or grappling technique).

All stretches and exercises should be supervised by a trained martial arts instructor to ensure the proper technique is being utilized and to avoid potential injuries. For additional exercises, please visit the main Medicine Ball Workouts or Physical Fitness sections.

Medicine Ball Backwards Throw
