Kino Mutai - The Philippine's "Biting" Martial Arts
Kino Mutai - The Philippine's "Biting" Martial Arts

19 Sep 2015 21:06

Kino Mutai - The Philippine's "Biting" Martial Arts

Kino Mutai (Kina Mutai or Kina Motay) is a Filipino martial arts that uses unconventional tactics such as biting and eye-gouging. While the prime focus of Kino Mutai is on grappling techniques, it also uses brutal tactics such as biting in order to win or survive an attack.

While this Filipino martial arts might be seen as just dirty street fighting, Kino Mutai is taught by some martial arts schools in order to help students escape from the grasp of a larger, stronger opponent. Kino Mutai techniques are occasionally added as a component to other Filipino styles such as Eskrima/Kali/Arnis.

Demonstration Video of a Kino Mutai Technique
