Learn Karate's Uchi-Uke (or Inside Block)
Learn Karate's Uchi-Uke (or Inside Block)

18 Apr 2015 12:01

Learn Karate's Uchi-Uke (or Inside Block)

This section examines Karate's Uchi-Uke or "Inside or Inward Block".

Karate blocks are used in self-defense, Karate katas, Karate kihon, etc.

For more blocking information and videos, visit the main Karate Blocks section.

The Uchi-uke block is a very useful block, and can in fact be used as a strike if applied correctly, and in fact when used as a block, you should be striking the attacking arm. This block compared to most other basic blocks, travels the furthest from when the movement is started, to when it is complete, thus can generate more power.

As a Block

  1. from the resting position c-step in or step back, which ever is required
  2. the blocking arm should raise up
  3. the blocking arm should shoot out, almost as a punch but to the same side as the attacking ar
  4. moving the arm back and to the opposite side of the body, this is where you connect with the attacking arm with your fore arm
  5. pulling the arm back and completing Hikite with resting arm
  6. finishing technique with your form arm at the side of your head on the opposite side to that arm

As a strike, same basic movement but;

  • Strike hammer fist
  • Target back of head, back of neck, under opponents arm to back
  • As you pull opponent forward, have finishing strike ready

Instructions For Basic Blocks Including Uchi-Uke (5:40 In Video)
