Instructions for ITF Taekwondo Pattern Saju Tulgi
Instructions for ITF Taekwondo Pattern Saju Tulgi

06 Feb 2016 20:12

Instructions for ITF Taekwondo Pattern Saju Tulgi

This page provides details for ITF Taekwondo Pattern Saju Tulgi. This is also known as the "four direction thrust" exercise. It is a preparatory exercise taught to beginning students before they learn the traditional ITF patterns such as Chon Ji. However, please be aware that the "Saju" exercises are not taught in all ITF Taekwondo schools.

To learn other patterns (i.e. Chon-Ji), please visit the main ITF Taekwondo Patterns section.

Section supported by Taekwondo books

Instructions for Technique

  • Members - Please add written step-by-step instructions here.

Demonstration Videos for ITF Taekwondo Pattern Saju Tulgi
