Instructions for the Isometric Bicep Curl
Instructions for the Isometric Bicep Curl

17 Oct 2015 18:48

Instructions for the Isometric Bicep Curl

This page provides details on the Isometric Bicep Curl. This isometric exercise will build your bicep strength and is done without dumbbells. You do not need to go to the gym in order to perform this exercise because it can be done at the dojo, home or office. Stronger bicep muscles will help you with your grappling techniques and your ability to pull your opponent towards a punch or joint lock. For a related exercise, you should try the isometric triceps extension.

For more exercises, please visit the main Strength Training and Martial Arts Physical Fitness sections.

Instructions for Technique

  • Extend your right arm with the palm up.
  • With your left hand, grasp your right forearm and push down.
  • Pull your right arm up against this resistance.
  • Repeat exercise with the other arm.
  • This exercise should benefit the bicep muscles in the arm being pulled up.

Instructional Video for the Isometric Bicep Curl
