How To Block A High Roundhouse Kick (Face Block) - Taekwondo Sparring
How To Block A High Roundhouse Kick (Face Block) - Taekwondo Sparring

25 Jan 2015 19:55

How To Block A High Roundhouse Kick (Face Block) - Taekwondo Sparring

In Taekwondo sparring, you will often face an opponent who tries to score by using a high roundhouse kick to your head. You can either avoid this kick by stepping out of range, move under the kick or block it by using for your arm. If you block with your arm, this technique is known as a face block.

For other sparring techniques, please visit the main Taekwondo sparring section.


  • You should try to move close to an opponent in order to jam his roundhouse kick. This will make the kick less powerful as your opponent will not be able to achieve a full wind-up.
  • If you can not evade the kick, you should block the kick to your head with your padded forearm.
  • You need to fully extend your blocking arm in case your opponent decides to use an axe kick instead. In contrast, with a traditional high block, your arm looks like an inverted L above your head (with forearm horizontal above your head).

Blocking A High Roundhouse Kick - Taekwondo Sparring
