Learn about Hanbojutsu - Japanese Martial Arts Style
Learn about Hanbojutsu - Japanese Martial Arts Style

20 Oct 2014 12:46

Learn about Hanbojutsu - Japanese Martial Arts Style

Hanbojutsu is a Japanese martial arts that utilizes the Hanbo (a 3 foot wooden staff). This traditional martial arts weapon was used to defeat samurai armed with a metal sword. Given its short length (versus a longer Jo or Bo staff), users of the Hanbo could not fend off an opponent with a sword (of equal or greater length). Therefore, according to the Jinenkan Ottawa Dojo, "the hanbo is used to get inside the sword to close range, and then strike, pin the attacker's arms, or otherwise subdue him". Similar martial arts that train primarily with staffs include Bojutsu and Jojutsu.

Many Hanbojutsu techniques are similar to cane fighting techniques. They involve pokes, thrusts, blocks, etc. For instructions regarding cane-based techniques, please the main Cane Self-Defense Techniques section.

Video focused on Basic Hanbojutsu Techniques


  1. Jinenkan Ottawa Dojo, A Primer on Hanbojutsu, http://www.jinenkan-ottawa.com/hanbojutsu.html, Added - 10/20/14