Goju-Ryu Ippon Kumite
Goju-Ryu Ippon Kumite

06 Apr 2016 15:41

Goju-Ryu Ippon Kumite

This page provides details for Goju-Ryu Ippon Kumite. These are one-step sparring techniques used in Goju-Ryu Karate. One-step sparring is a training tool used to teach basic kumite and self-defense techniques. These tend to be pre-arranged techniques where the attacker strikes with a hand and/or foot technique and the defender blocks and/or counterattacks.

According to The English Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Association, Ippon Kumite consists of "single attacks with a basic block and counter punch from zenkutsu dachi. The attacks are jodan oi-tsuki, chudan oi-tsuki, mae-geri and mawashi-geri".

For other Karate kumite techniques, please visit the main Sparring section.

Demonstration Video for Goju-Ryu Ippon Kumite

Reference Sources

  1. The English Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Association (EGKA), What to expect when you undergo a EGKA/IOGKF Grading, http://www.egka.org.uk/grading.php, Added - 04/0/16