Go Kan Ryu Kata Empi
Go Kan Ryu Kata Empi

18 Jun 2015 22:11

Information on Go-Kan-Ryu Kata - Empi

This page provides details for the Go-Kan-Ryu Kata - Empi. This kata is taught to Go-Kan-Ryu brown belt one black tip (2nd Kyu) students. For information on the kata used by different Karate styles (i.e. Shotokan), please visit the main Katas & Forms section.

In this kata, the following elements are utilized:
Kihon: Chudan Tzuki, Gedan Barai.
Contains two kiai's, one spinning jump.
Stances: Zenkustu Datchi, Kokutsu Dachi, Kiba Dachi.
Focus is on speed but without loosing power.

Instructions for Technique

  • Members - Please add written step-by-step instructions here.

Reference Sources

1.Information courtesy of Llewena
2.GKR Karate, GKR Grading Kata, http://www.gkrkarate.com/index26.php?x=ABOUT-GKR~ABOUT-GKR%7CGKR-Karate-Club-Info%5EGKR-Grading-Kata%60A, Added - 06/19/15
