Instructions for the Front Leg Side Kick - Martial Arts Kicking Technique
Instructions for the Front Leg Side Kick - Martial Arts Kicking Technique

19 Dec 2014 16:10

Instructions for the Front Leg Side Kick - Martial Arts Kicking Technique

This page provides details on how to do a front leg side kick (or front foot side kick). Side kicks are powerful kicks but tend to be slower than other basic martial arts kicks (i.e. roundhouse kick). This slower speed is a result of side kicks not being thrown directly at the target (due to the chamber segment of the technique). To reduce this speed disadvantage, many martial artists use a front leg side kick versus a rear leg side kick in sparring tournaments. However, while a front leg side kick has more speed, it also can have less power than a rear leg side kick. To generate more power, many martial artists often use a hopping or skipping technique in order to put greater momentum behind the front leg side kick.

You should also visit the page focused on the rear leg side kick. For instructions regarding other martial arts kicks (i.e. axe kick), please visit our main kicking techniques section.

Written Instructions for the Front Leg Side Kick

  • From your fighting position, you will not rotate your body (unlike the Rear Leg Side Kick).
  • Rather, you will bring your front leg back until your knee is up near your waist/chest and your foot is facing the attacker. This is the "chamber" portion of the side kick (as you are bringing your leg into position in order to launch the side kick).
  • You will thrust your foot forward and strike your attacker with the sole of your foot or blade of your foot (outer edge of foot).
  • Tip - Beginners can use a chair or rail in order to maintain their balance while practicing the fundamentals of a side kick.

Karate Instructional Video on Front Leg Side Kicks

Taekwondo Instructional Video on Side Kicks

Kickboxing Instructional Video on Front Leg Side Kicks
