Learn about Arnis/Eskrima/Kali Kicking Techniques
Learn about Arnis/Eskrima/Kali Kicking Techniques

11 Jun 2015 13:34

Learn about Arnis/Eskrima/Kali Kicking Techniques

While Arnis, Eskrima & Kali is often only associated with stick fighting, this Philippine martial arts is a complete system. Therefore, kicks are used in conjunction with weapons training and/or unarmed combat. In the Philippines, martial arts kicking techniques are known as Pananjakman.

Many Arnis/Eskrima/Kali kicks are low kicks used to catch an opponent off-guard who is focusing on your stick weapon (Yantok), etc. These kicks are designed to incapacitate, injure or knock an opponent off-balance. Targets of these low kicks include an opponent's foot, knee, calf, shin, groin and quadriceps/thigh muscle. High kicks are usually not used in Arnis/Eskrima/Kali because it is easy to injure your leg and your ability to maneuver if your leg is struck by your opponent's weapon. Low kicks are used in order to lessen the chance of being hit by your opponent's weapon.

Common kicks employed in Arnis, Eskrima & Kali include roundhouse kicks (i.e. to the knee), stomp kick (i.e. to the foot), side kicks (i.e. to the shin), front kicks (i.e. to groin), foot sweeps (i.e. to knock an opponent off-balance) and knee strikes (i.e. to quadriceps/thigh muscle).

For more techniques, please visit the main Arnis, Eskrima & Kali section.
