How To Do A Downward Roundhouse Kick
How To Do A Downward Roundhouse Kick

18 Feb 2016 20:59

How To Do A Downward Roundhouse Kick

This page provides details on how to do a martial arts downward roundhouse kick. This kick is also as the "Brazilian Kick" or as the Yaw Yan "Mountain Storm Kick" . The downward roundhouse kick is like a traditional roundhouse kick but where you angle your kick downwards your target. You need to be very flexible in order to throw this kick effectively.

For more instructions on different martial arts kicks, please visit our main kicking techniques page.

Section supported by Books on Kicking Techniques

Technique Instructions

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Instructional Video on Downward Roundhouse Kicks

Taekwondo Instructional Video on Downward Roundhouse Kicks
