Arnis/Eskrima/Kali Angles of Attack
Arnis/Eskrima/Kali Angles of Attack

Learn About Arnis/Eskrima/Kali Angles of Attack

This page focuses on Arnis/Eskrima/Kali striking techniques that use weapons such as the Yantok (fighting stick), Baston (baton), etc.

These drills involve a student holding either one or two weapons.

For more techniques, please visit the main Arnis/Eskrima/Kali section.

12 Basic Arnis/Eskrima/Kali Weapon Strikes

  • Strike to left temple
  • Strike to right temple
  • Strike to left shoulder
  • Strike to right shoulder
  • Strike to stomach/abdomen
  • Strike to left chest
  • Strike to right chest
  • Strike to right knee
  • Strike to left knee
  • Strike to left eye
  • Strike to right eye
  • Strike to top of head

12 Basic Strikes for Arnis

Note: The numbering system for stick attack angles can vary greatly depending on the school. The most important part is knowing a number set for the purpose of training with a partner. What might be angle two in one system will be angle four in another. All angle sets should start with forehand strike to the left temple as this is the most common attack by a right handed person. Otherwise many angle numbering sets use strikes, slashes, and thrusts consisting of usually about 12 or so angles which are sometime cut down or stream lined for teaching beginners.


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