Instructions for the Krav Maga Defense Against A Choke From The Front Against A Wall
Instructions for the Krav Maga Defense Against A Choke From The Front Against A Wall

19 Nov 2014 15:24

Instructions for the Krav Maga Defense Against A Choke From The Front Against A Wall

This page focuses on Krav Maga techniques used to escape or defend against a choke from the front against a wall. This self-defense technique deals with a scenario where an attacker has pushed you from the front up against a wall and is now trying to choke you. This is a dangerous attack as the wall prevents you from escaping. This attack needs to be countered quickly in order to avoid losing consciousness due to the choke.

This technique is similar to the Krav Maga defense against a rear choke against a wall because you will throw your arm/shoulder up and over the attacker's arms. This will allow you to disrupt the choke and potentially trap the attacker's arms so that you can quickly counterattack or escape.

You should also visit the krav maga pages focused on basic defenses against front chokes, defenses against chokes while on the ground and defenses against chokes from the front with a push.

For more techniques and choke defenses, please visit the main Krav Maga Techniques section.

Krav Maga Defense Against A Choke From The Front Against A Wall

Written Instructions for Technique

  • Members - Please add written step-by-step instructions for this technique here.