Instructions for Chito-Ryu Kata - Kihon Kata Ichi
Instructions for Chito-Ryu Kata - Kihon Kata Ichi

26 Nov 2014 02:57

Instructions for Chito-Ryu Kata - Kihon Kata Ichi

This page provides instructions for Chito-Ryu Karate Kata - Kihon Kata Ichi. For additional Chito-Ryu katas, please visit the main Chito-Ryu Katas page.

If you need help with other Karate techniques (i.e. stances, kicks and strikes), please visit the main Karate section. 

For other Karate katas (i.e. Shotokan), please visit the main Katas & Forms section.

Photo Instructions for Chito-Ryu Kata - Kihon Kata Ichi


Written Instructions for Chito-Ryu Kata - Kihon Kata Ichi

  1. “Ki o tsuke”, Musubi dachi
  2. “Yoi”, Uchi hachi ji dachi
  3. Step forward, Migi jodan oi zuki
  4. Step forward, Hidari chudan oi zuk
  5. Step forward, Migi chudan oi zuki
  6. Step forward, Hidari shiko zuki – Kiai
  7. Step backward, Migi soto uke (slowly)
  8. Step backward, Hidari soto uke (slowly)
  9. Step backward, Migi soto uke (slowly)
  10. Step backward, Hidari soto uke (slowly)
  11. Kamae (ready)
  12. Migi mae geri, Stepping forward
  13. Hidari mae geri, Stepping forward
  14. Migi mae geri, Stepping forward
  15. Hidari mae geri, Stepping forward
  16. Kamae (ready)
  17. Kamae to the right
  18. Step kosa dachi to the right
  19. Migi chudan yoko geri
  20. Kamae to the right
  21. Step kosa dachi to the right
  22. Migi chudan yoko geri
  23. Kamae to the right, Zanshin
  24. Kamae to the left
  25. Step kosa dachi to the left
  26. Hidari chudan yoko geri
  27. Kamae to the left
  28. Step kosa dachi to the left
  29. Hidari chudan yoko geri
  30. Kamae to the left, Zanshin
  31. Step forward, Migi chudan oi zuki
  32. Hidari chudan kaeshi zuki, (turn to the back and punch)
  33. Step forward, Migi jodan oi zuki
  34. Step forward, Hidari chudan oi zuki
  35. Step forward, Migi chudan oi zuki
  36. Step forward, Hidari shiko zuki – Kiai
  37. Migi shiko kaeshi zuki, (turn and punch)
  38. Left leg steps forward, Yame (musubi dachi)


  1. International Chito-Ryu Karate Federation of Australia,, Added - 04/22/14
  2. Kihon Kata Ichi instructions provided courtesy of Martin Phillips, author of the Beginner Booklet for International Chito-Ryu Karate Federation of Australia, Added - 04/22/14