Learn Wado-Ryu Karate Kata - Chinto
Learn Wado-Ryu Karate Kata - Chinto

16 Feb 2015 21:39

Learn Wado-Ryu Karate Kata - Chinto

This page will help you to learn Chinto. This is the ninth kata for Wado-Ryu Karate. However, if you have any questions about a particular kata movement, please check with your instructor because kata instructions can vary by school and organization.

For additional Wado-Ryu Karate katas, please visit the main Wado-Ryu Katas page. If you are searching for other Karate information (i.e. kicking techniques and terminology), please visit the main Karate page. 

Demonstration Video for Chinto - Wado-Ryu Kata

Demonstration Video for Chinto - Wado-Ryu Kata

Written Instructions for Wado-Ryu Kata - Chinto

1. Rei (bow)
2. Yoi (ready position)
3. Draw the right foot behind the left into Chinto Dachi (Chinto stance) and perform Migi Shotei Nagashi Uke (right palm slip block) and Hidari shotei Nagashi Uke (left palm slip block). The left hand will be in front of the right, crossed at the wrist.
4. Bring the hands down in front of the waist. The left hand is palm down, the right is palm up under the left hand.
5. Perform Hidari Jun Zuki Chudan (left front punch middle-level).
6. Perform Migi Gyaku Zuki Chudan (right reverse punch middle-level) as the left foot slides over into Hidari Tate Seisan Dachi (left vertical seisan stance).
7. Pivot on the left foot and bring the right foot in front of the left, turning counter clockwise 180 degrees into Shiko Dachi (Sumo stance). Perform Migi Gedan Barai (right downward block).
8. Slide the left foot and turn the body 180 degrees counter clockwise into Hidari Jun Zuki Dachi (left front punch stance) and perform Shuto Juji Uke Jodan (high x-block).
9. Bring the hands down forcefully to the waist closing them as they drop.
10. Perform Mae Tobi Geri (jumping front kick), kicking with the right foot first, then the left. As the left foot lands forward into Hidari Jun Zuki Dachi (left front punch stance), you should perform Juji Uke Gedan (low x-block).
11. Pivot 180 degrees clockwise on the right foot, stepping into Hidari Jun Zuki Dachi (left front punch stance) and perform Juji Uke Gedan (low x-block).
12. Turn the body 90 degrees to the right while sliding the right foot into Migi Kokutsu Dachi (right back stance). Perform Migi Gedan Barai (right downward block). The left fist is palm up across the chest.
13. Step the left foot forward into Hidari Kokutsu Dachi (left back stance) and perform Hidari Shuto Gedan Barai (left knife hand downward block). The right hand is open, palm up, across the chest.
14. Step the right foot forward into Migi Jun Zuki Dachi (right front punch stance) and perform Shuto Uke (knife hand block) with both hands simultaneously.
15. Turn 90 degrees to the left into Shiko Dachi (sumo stance) and perform Soto Uke (from the outside block) with both hands simultaneously.
16. Relax the arms, letting them slowly drop to the sides as the knees straighten. When the legs are straight, your head faces to the left.
17. Slide the left foot out to the left into Hidari Kokutsu Dachi (left back stance) and perform Hidari Gedan Barai (left downward block) and Migi Soto Uke (right from the outside block) at the same time.
18. Slide the right foot forward, turning the body 180 degrees counter clockwise, into Migi Kokutsu Dachi (right back stance) and perform Migi Gedan Barai (right downward block) and Hidari Soto Uke (left from the outside block) at the same time. The head faces over the right shoulder.
19. Turn the body 180 degrees counter clockwise, pivoting on the right foot, sliding the left foot into Hidari Kokutsu Dachi (left back stance). Perform Hidari Gedan Barai (left downward block) and Migi Soto Uke (right from the outside block) at the same time. The head faces over the left shoulder.
20. Turn the head 90 degrees to the right and move the right foot behind the left into Gyaku Neko Ashi Dachi (reverse cat stance), performing Juji Uke Gedan (low x-block).
21. Bring the right foot out to the right into Shiko Dachi (sumo stance) and perform Soto Uke (from the outside block) with both hands simultaneously.
22. Relax the arms, letting them slowly drop to the sides as the knees straighten. When the legs are straight, your head faces forward.
23. Place the fists, palm down, on the hips, and perform Migi Empi Uke (right elbow block) then Hidari Empi Uke (left elbow block). Immediately after the second block, turn 180 degrees clockwise, pivoting on the right foot, into Migi Gyaku Neko Ashi Dachi (right reverse cat stance), performing Soto Uke (from the outside block) with both hands simultaneously.
24. Turn the head to the left, raise the left knee, and perform Hidari Gedan Barai (left downward block) and Migi Soto Uke (right from the outside block) simultaneously. Then, keeping the left foot up still, return the arms to Hidari Tae Uke. Then perform Hidari Yoko Geri Chudan (left side kick middle-level) and Hidari Gedan Barai (left downward block). Set the left foot down and step the right foot forward into Migi Jun Zuki Dachi (right front punch stance), performing Migi Jun Zuki Chudan (right front punch middle-level).
25. Raise the right knee and perform Migi Gedan Barai (right downward block) and Hidari Soto Uke (left from the outside block). Then, keeping the right foot up, return the hands to Migi Tae Uke (right Tae block). Then perform Migi Yoko Geri Chudan (right side kick middle-level) and Migi Gedan Barai (right downward block) simultaneously. Then set the right foot down into Migi Tate Seisan Dachi (right vertical seisan stance) and perform Hidari Gyaku Zuki Chudan (left reverse punch middle-level).
26. Raise the left knee (face an opponent from the rear) and perform Hidari Gedan Barai (left downward block) and Migi Soto Uke (right from the outside block) simultaneously. Then, keeping the left foot up still, return the arms to Hidari Tae Uke. Then perform Hidari Yoko Geri Chudan (left side kick middle-level) and Hidari Gedan Barai (left downward block). Set the left foot down into Hidari Tate Seisan Dachi (left vertical seisan stance)and perform Migi Gyaku Zuki Chudan (right reverse punch middle-level).
27. Pivot on the left foot and turn the body 90 degrees to the right into Shiko Dachi (sumo stance) and perform Migi Kake Uke (right hook block). The head faces to the right.
28. Turn the body 90 degrees to the right into Migi Tate Seisan Dachi (right vertical seisan stance) and perform Hidari Tate Empi (left vertical elbow strike) into the right hand.
29. Twist counter clockwise slightly and drop the left hand to the left hip, palm up. At the same time, place the right hand, formed into Ippon Ken (extended knuckle strike), palm down on top of the left hand.
30. Raise the left knee forward as you strike upward with the right hand. Continue the movement by turning 180 degrees to the rear on the right foot. When you are facing the rear, bring the arms down into Hidari Tae Uke (left Tae block). Then perform Hidari Mae Geri Chudan (left front kick middle-level) and Hidari Gedan Barai (left downward block) at the same time. Then, set the left foot down and step forward with the right into Migi Jun Zuki Dachi (right front punch stance) and perform Migi Jun Zuki Chudan (right front punch middle-level).
31. Yame (stop) - Pivot on the right foot, turning 180 degrees counter clockwise, bringing the left foot into Heiko Dachi (parallel stance).
32. Rei (bow)

Reference Sources

  1. Written kata instructions provided by the students of Kentai Karate, http://www.kentaikarate.co.uk/, Added - 02/10/15
  2. English translation of Japanese terms provided by , Added - 02/11/15
  3. English translation of Japanese terms provided by the students of Kentai Karate, http://www.kentaikarate.co.uk/, Added - 02/16/15