Cartwheel Kick - Martial Arts Kicking Technique
Cartwheel Kick - Martial Arts Kicking Technique

07 Nov 2016 20:39

Cartwheel Kick - Martial Arts Kicking Technique

This page provides information about the "Cartwheel Kick". This acrobatic martial arts kick is often used as a fun "training tool" for younger students. However, it is occasionally used as a real kicking technique.

The cartwheel kick has been used in some mixed martial arts matches. While it is mainly used to entertain, the cartwheel kick has also scored a few knockouts because it is so unexpected. Please see the video below. The danger of this kick is that your head is exposed to a low kick as you do the cartwheel tumble. In addition, it is easy to become unbalanced and thus open for attack.

For information on other kicks (i.e. spinning hook kick), please visit the main Martial Arts Kicks section.

Instructions Video for the Cartwheel Kick
